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 10th July 2024. 09:30am GMT 

Are you interested in ACT but not sure where to start? This 3 hour introductory workshop is for made for you. 


ACT is a transdiagnostic psychotherapy, supported by a strong research base, for a range of difficulties, from anxiety and mood disorders to chronic pain. It has at its core the goal of increasing psychological flexibility to help clients reduce suffering and focus on engaging in values based behaviour.


In this workshop, you will gain:

  • An introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy through the ACT Matrix - a simple, but powerful, tool for helping clients make changes in their own behaviour

  • An understanding of the 6 main transdiagnostic processes that give ACT its flexibility and effectiveness.

This workshop is designed for a range of professionals, including psychologists, therapists, counsellors, coaches, social workers and nurses.


Your Trainer: Christian Hughes is a Psychotherapist, trainer, and ACT Therapist, working in private practice and in an NHS specialist complex treatment service.


Fees: Pay What You Want - £20 guide price

In line with our values we are now operating a 'Pay What You Want' (PWYW) approach to fees, as part of our commitment to inclusion and accessibility. This means attendees can pay as much or as little as they wish. As a guide, we suggest £20, which will support making our training available to as many people as possible but this should not be seen as a bar to attendance.


Please note referrals cannot be accepted where there is significant risk of serious harm or suicide. If you feel at risk to yourself, toward or from others, contact your GP, NHS 111, or dial 999 in an emergency.


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